Rémi Deymier – Chasing Monsters

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We are pleased to invite you at the opening of Chasing Monsters, first solo show of French artist Rémi Deymier, in Venice.
Following a strong practice based on painting and drawing, the series of works presented here is the ultimate result of Deymier’s new artistic approach. Diving into the digital realm, the artist starts by identifying interesting sculptural elements that he then 3D scans, or models directly, studies and eventually deforms, stretches, and digitally distorts before combining them to oil paintings, his main medium, mixing in this way a contemporary tool to ancestral pictorial traditions.
By depicting and including these hybrid elements to his multilayered works on canvas, Deymier creates new realities where History of Art, Pop Culture, generic and personal references blend in a chimeric and dystopic mélange of motifs and textures, dreams and materialities, memories and projections. Referring to the French expression “Courir après des chimères,” the exhibition highlights the artist’s will or obsession to create almost helplessly, through the canvas, unity within disunity, attempting in this way to form a compact universe made of a multitude of singular things, that might seem at first glance slightly incomprehensible, and yet perfectly and surprisingly coherent.
With its blissfully chaotic orchestra of digitally deformed images and paintings, , Chasing Monsters is an effective multimedia installation that goes beyond the canvas and engulfs the frame, irremediably shattering any possible binarisms between inner and outside totality. Deymier invades the whole scene from the very beginning of the painting process by ignoring the arbitrary limits of frames and borders to create instead an extensive visual puzzle, a true metaphor of life that unfolds almost limitlessly through space and time. After all, "Single vision produces worse illusions than double vision or many-headed monsters" to quote again Donna Haraway.