Reuven Israel / Panos Tsagaris – Metamorphosis and metaphors

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A double solo show presenting for the first time at the gallery the works of Reuven Israel (Israel, 1978) and Panos Tsagaris (Greece, 1979). The show, curated by Christian Oxenius, is conceived as a path paved with our experiences and our collective stories, from the abyss of our human condition towards greater inner awareness.
"The dual title of this exhibition is, in of itself, a testimony to the passing of time and our mutual growth resulting from the continuous dialogue and exchange which has taken place between the two artists and myself. Indeed, its first part, a reference to “Kafka. Towards a minor literature” which has guided some of our earliest discussion, brings up questions of aesthetical references and cultural translation we face when living in a condition of being part of a minority." (Christian Oxenius)
Land use
Erin O'Keefe
Ncontemporary Project Room - Opening 17 Oct 18.30
Erin O'Keefe (USA, 1962) returns to Ncontemporary taking over the project space of the Milan gallery to present a brand new work, within an immersive installation. Erin O'Keefe's artistic practice expands the medium of photography, employing an explorative approach that defeats the limits of portraying elements. Through her works the viewer is confronted in a reality where space and time are suspended, almost in a surreal way. The show Land use anticipates the gallery's presentation of new works by the artist at Paris Photo 2023.