Salon Suisse 2019

Evento Collaterale Biennale di Venezia.
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The Collateral Event Salon Suisse: s l o w opens on Saturday 11 May at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia | 58th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
Salon Suisse: s l o w
Salonnière: Céline Eidenbenz
Co-Salonnières: Victoria Mühlig, Anja Radomirovic
Opening Salon: Saturday 11 May 2019, 3 – 11pm
Location: Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Dorsoduro 423
Vaporetto stop: Spirito Santo
On the piano nobile of Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi where the Salon takes place, s l o w questions the rhythm of creation and its intrinsic slowness. In an art world governed by the gaze and the scopic dimension, slowing down would make way for more sensoriality and resistance to productivism. The concept of «slow art», which emerged in the 1990s, appears to be an emergency in contemporary art. Art historian Jonathan Crary has denounced the decline in the duration of our nightly sleep over the past century - from 10 hours in 1900 to an average of 6 hours a night today. Crary states that capitalist society has taken over our daily lives, permitting electricity and, by implication, consumption to infiltrate us uninterruptedly (see his 24/7: The Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep, London/New York, Verso, 2013). Necessary for the creative process, slowness is more or less relevant, depending on its use: Which rhythm to choose among various leisurely movements (walking, dancing, strolling), horizontal postures and regenerative practices (naps, meditation, hypnosis) on the one hand, and acceleration and haste (running, revolt, hyperactivity) on the other?
Sophie Brasey, Venezia, 2012.
From idleness to cultural feverishness, the Salon Suisse 2019 engages with slowness and art by considering topics such as impatience, speed-gardening, burn out, mindfulness, moon calendar, repetition, disconnection, grounding, bedding, slothing, hypnosis and the creative process, sensing, togetherness, resistance, nocturnal strolling from the 1970s, waiting, old age and slow dancing. It brings together a range of participants from diverse countries and backgrounds: artists, art historians, performers, musicians, cooks, choreographers, doctors and more. Through a participatory programme based on an interdisciplinary approach, s l o w fosters resonance, proximity and conviviality.
The programme of this year’s Salon Suisse has been developed by Céline Eidenbenz, director of the Valais Art Museum, and co-Salonnières Victoria Mühlig, curator, and Anja Radomirovic, architect. Since 2012, the Salon Suisse is organised by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and runs concomitantly to the exhibition at the Swiss Pavilion during the Biennale Arte and Biennale Architettura.
Consisting of a series of performances, talks and cultural events, the Salon Suisse provides an opportunity to explore and experience art in a reflective and stimulating atmosphere. All the events are taking place in Venice at the Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi during the course of three subsequent weekends from Thursday to Saturday, except the opening event, which will take place at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia.
Opening Salon: Saturday 11 May, 3pm to 11pm, at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia
Salon Suisse 1: Thursday to Saturday 19 to 21 September, at Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi
Salon Suisse 2: Thursday to Saturday 17 to 19 October, at Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi
Salon Suisse 3: Thursday to Saturday 21 to 23 November, at Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi
Camille Abele, Isabelle Alfonsi, Vincent Barras, Guido Bondolfi, Pauline Boudry / Renate Lorenz, Riccardo Caldura, Catherine Contour, Eklekto, Hamish Fulton, Vidya Gastaldon, Bertrand Gauguet, Jérémie Gindre, Helen Hirsch, Tom Hodgkinson, Kimsooja, Clemens Klopfenstein, Charlotte Laubard, Chonja Lee, Isabel Lewis, Magali Le Mens, Sylvain Menétrey, Robin Michel, Sara Paolini, Eric Philippoz, Nevena Puljic, Ramin & Reda, Michele Savorgnano, Marie Velardi, Laurence Wagner, Tristan Weddigen & others.