Salvatore Arancio – Neither His Nor Yours

Informazioni Evento

Lungotevere dei Vallati, 8/9, Roma, RM, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

ore 18.30

Salvatore Arancio
arte contemporanea, personale

Mostra personale.

Comunicato stampa

Federica Schiavo Gallery is pleased to present Neither His Nor Yours, the fourth solo exhibition by Salvatore Arancio with the gallery.

The ceramic sculptures on display, with their sinuous and organic forms, were originally created by the artist for his solo show at MACTE, Termoli in 2024. The project was inspired by the memories of a visit to the Bruno Weber Park, in Dietikon, Switzerland, undertaken by Arancio in 2016. Within the park’s creations made by the artist and architect Bruno Weber, popular mythologies and fantastical elements are seamlessly blended to construct a world devoid from real-life references. In reflecting on his journey through the park, Arancio superimposed his own fantastical repertoire upon his recollections of the shapes and forms created by Weber, generating sculptures that convey the experience of a parallel world, where everything perpetually contaminates and transforms, thereby altering our perception of reality and ourselves. Arancio created the ceramics during a residency in Hungary, collaborating with a local workshop to experiment with specific glazing techniques rooted in Hungarian ceramic heritage. This technique enabled him to achieve iridescent and acid hues, that evoke lysergic experiences and a sense of loss of consciousness, often occurring in nature as a means of connecting with other dimensions of reality and spiritual realms.

The series of textile works titled La Douceur de l’Eau du Doux was created by the artist for his exhibition at the Château-Musée de Tournon-sur-Rhône in France in 2023. In this context, the artist established a connection with the history of the textile factory Impression et Teinture De Tournon (ITDT) and its proximity to the Doux river, upon which its production depended before prematurely ceasing in 2008. Water, a central element in both ceramic and textile production and in the broader evolution of humanity, serves as a metaphor for the delicate equilibrium between human aspirations, the economy, and climate change. The textile works can be interpreted as a sort of “collage of memories”, originating from the artist’s imagination, the factories’ textile archives and encounters with former employees of ITDT.

Le Rayon Vert belongs to the artist’s most recent investigation into the Green Ray, a meteorological and optical phenomenon that has captivated the imagination of many throughout history, Jules Verne among others. The artist was drawn to this phenomenon due to its transient, transcendental quality and mesmerizing beauty. The artwork seeks to blur the boundaries between photography and painting, thereby creating hybrid forms of abstract representation.

Salvatore Arancio was born in Catania, Italy, in 1974. Lives and works in London and Nice.

He participated to the following biennals: Esposizione d’Arte Internazionale, La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia, Italy (2017); BI-CITY Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, Shenzen, China (2020); Biennale Ceramica – 60° Premio Faenza, MIC, Faenza, Italy (2018); Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Icheon, Korea (2017); Manif D’Art 5, The Quebec City Biennal, Quebec, Canada (2010); Prague Biennale 4, Karlin Hall, Prague, Czech Republic (2009).