Stefania Galegati – Arcipelago

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The contemporary art project "Vetrina" inaugurated its second cycle of presentations in February 2024. After exploring the broad theme of nature through the site-specific works of the first nine invited artists, the focus has now shifted to the theme of activism, exclusively involving women artists who are enterprising and provocative in different ways and who have always, in their works, provided space for a proactive reflection on the contemporary world.
For Vetrina#11 Vino Vero has invited the artist Stefania Galegati to present part of the project “Isola delle Femmine” which by its nature allows one to dream and reflect on crucial themes such as the management of common goods and private property, the protection of the territory, feminism and its various facets, and openness to failure and weakness.
The portraits of “Isola delle Femmine” by Stefania Galegati are an artistic practice of drawing and painting initiated in 2018, which will continue until the completion of reading and rewriting Simone De Beauvoir's book “The Second Sex”. This project represents an exercise in which writing and painting merge and traverse the artist's body, creating a dialogue between the encyclopedic text of historical feminism and visual expression. Such practice narrates a rediscovered education, absent in the artist's school, academic, and university paths. Simone De Beauvoir's words follow a path that goes from reading, to the eyes, to the brain, to the heart, to the stomach, to the uterus, and finally to the hand, to become signs and visual patterns.
This artistic journey accompanies a collective initiative to purchase Isola delle Femmine, a small island that covers nearly 15 hectares and is located 19 kilometres from Palermo, through €10 quotas donated by numerous women. The idea originally by Valentina Greco opens symbolically to an expansion of imagination and desire.
"Vetrina" is an exhibition series curated by Mara Sartore for Vino Vero, in collaboration with Lightbox. In 2024, Showcase hosts the works of three women artists – Loredana Longo, Stefania Galegati, and Paula Valero – who share a strong personality but with very different expressive styles and artistic paths. The challenge is to present artworks in a limited space and in direct contact with the public, where the showcase becomes an integral part of the artwork itself, and no longer just an exhibition space for sale.