
Informazioni Evento

Via V. Andreis 18, Torino, Torino, Italia

ore 18

Marco Trulli, Denis Isaia, Alessandro Nassiri Tabibzadeh, Antonio Utili, Leonardo Punginelli
incontro - conferenza

Designer e architetti italiani verso la XV Biennale de la Méditérranée a Salonicco

Comunicato stampa

New Generations design: "Symbiosis?.

Young creatives for "Architecture in the City" festival

Turin - Cortile del Maglio (Via Andreis 18), July 14, 2011, h 11:00 to 12:30 am

We are glad to announce the second event organized by Bjcem in our new executive office.
Thursday, July 14th 2011, at 11:00 am, in the framework of "Architecture into the City" festival, Bjcem presents:

New generations: "Symbiosis?"

Curators, artists and architects will present workshops and initiatives implemented in the programme of the prepatory events of the XV edition of the Biennale de la Mediterranée which will be held in Thessaloniki from October 6th to November 6th.

Common ground of the different work's experiences is: "Symbiosis?"

Activities stimulate reflection on How might we live together? Better, how to live together within different political modes of existence? How does the recent march of political events in parts of the Mediterranean reorientate the conditions of living together in the Mediterranean basin? In what way the work of art can function as an inner mould of ‘reading’ the ‘self’ and the ‘other’? What does technology and the new means of social networking promise?

In particular, during the panel we will present the experiences of "Cantieri d'Arte" (Viterbo), the workshop "La Ville Ouverte" (Casablanca-Venice-Thessaloniki), and collaboration between the Office of the City of Ferrara Young Artists and Teaching Unit Performing Arts


Marco Trulli,
Arci Viterbo president and curator of public art project ÒCantieri dÕArteÓ. He collaborate with Arci for the realization of national public art projects related to the BJCEM

Denis Isaia,
cultural researcher and curator of contemporary art, he has created a competition for young curators "Best Art Practices" and the "National Prize of Passion"

Alessandro Nassiri Tabibzadeh, artist, author of several projects in public spaces including Cinema take away

Antonio Utili, head Teaching Unit of the Municipality of Ferrara Performing Arts and Professor of Stage Design at the Faculty of Architecture - University of Ferrara

Leonardo Punginelli, responsible Young Artist Office - Municipality of Ferrara