The Better World Project

Progetto fotografico performativo.
Comunicato stampa
G. H. Rabbath The Better World 2013 Videoinsight® Collection
The Better World Project is coming to Torino.
It is a performative photographic project.
It will be launched by the Videoinsight® Foundation on April 11, 2016 in the Videoinsight® Moon Garden on the hill of Turin.
All friends are invited to participate to the The Better World Performance.
Georges H. Rabbath, Lebanese Artist, will realize a photographic immortalization of people having an insight of a Better World.
The Better World Project was created by the G.H. Rabbath on 2013 as interactive and participative Art. The artist asked hundreds of people to imagine a Better World before taking their pictures.
The project was exhibited at the United Nations UN ESCWA in Beirut on 2015.
A Better World is possible.
The starting point is to create magic prophecies and positive insights inside us.
We invite you to book your participation writing to our mailing address:
[email protected]
We will communicate to you by email all details about the event.
Videoinsight® Foundation Team