The Italian Legacy in Philadelphia
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Photographs from The Italian Legacy in Philadelphia: History, Culture, People, and Ideas published by Temple University Press (edited by Andrea Canepari and Judy Goode).
The Gallery of Art at Temple University Rome is honored to display a selection of photographs from The Italian Legacy in Philadelphia: History, Culture, People, and Ideas, published by Temple University Press. The selection of images highlights the strong cultural connection between Philadelphia and Rome.
This exhibition, curated by Shara Wasserman, is presented by Andrea Canepari, Italian diplomat, former Ambassador to the DR and Consul General in Philadelphia, and co-editor of the book with Judith Goode, Professor Emerita.
The images explore the perspectives and the changing influence of the people who contributed to form an Italian legacy in Philadelphia. Early travelers from and to Italy, and their descendants, imported habits, memories and traditions. This gave rise to varied Italo-American experiences, which gradually became the pilasters of American culture: a rich legacy which continues today in Philadelphia.