Where the Future Lies
Una mostra che presenta i lavori recenti di studenti di arti visive presso la Temple University Rome e la Rome University of Fine Arts RUFA.
Comunicato stampa
Where the Future Lies presents a selection of works from five Temple University Rome students––Deejay Bosca, Olivia Musselman, Daphne Philippoussis, Henry Rosenberg, and Hallel A. Shapiro-Franklin––alongside four Rome University of Fine Arts students––Antifigure, Emma Brunelli, Davide Miceli, and Gianluca Ricco.
The title of the exhibition, Where the Future Lies, offers an insight to the theme of the works in addition to a focus on the artists themselves, as they are indeed the future of not only their generation, but of the contemporary art world as a whole. Each of the artists are distinctive in their own way, approaching the exhibition from the title itself as well as from their own personal motivation, incorporating both in the foundation of their various unique and cohesive works.
Where the Future Lies presenta una selezione di opere di cinque studenti della Temple University Rome - Deejay Bosca, Olivia Musselman, Daphne Philippoussis, Henry David Rosenberg e Hallel A. Shapiro-Franklin - al fianco di quattro studenti della Rome University of Fine Arts - Antifigure, Emma Brunelli, Davide Miceli e Gianluca Ricco.
Il titolo della mostra, Where the Future Lies, è sia una panoramica sulle tematiche affrontate dalle opere che un focus sui singoli artisti, essendo non solo il futuro della loro generazione, ma dell’intero mondo dell’arte. Ognuno, a modo proprio, approccia la mostra con questa consapevolezza oltre che attraverso la propria ricerca, che diventa le fondamenta del lavoro, personale e al contempo coeso.