Wieteke Heldens – With Colored Content
La Fusion Art Gallery presenta With Colored Content (never apologize and never explain), mostra personale di Wieteke Heldens.
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Wieteke Heldens
With Colored Content (never apologize and never explain)
A cura di FUSION AIR – Artist-in-Residence Program
25 - 30 novembre 2016
Inaugurazione venerdì 25 novembre ore 19 - 22
La Fusion Art Gallery presenta With Colored Content (never apologize and never explain), mostra personale di Wieteke Heldens. La mostra/evento, che è parte del programma di residenze internazionali FUSION AIR, rientra nel circuito off di NEsxT Independent Art Network e fa parte di COLLA la nuova piattaforma delle gallerie torinesi.
Wieteke Heldens (NL/USA) presenta I nuovi lavori prodotti durante la sua residenza alla Fusion Art Gallery di Torino. Tra le altre opera in mostra, l’artista presenta: i “Content drawings”, disegni su sacchetti di carta usati e collezionati a Torino; “The Italian Legend”, opera su tela e “The day that Donald Trump is elected the 45th president of the United States” eseguita con tempera all’uovo.
“Non chiedere scusa e mai dare spiegazioni” è un motto di Carl Andre che Hanne Darboven usa spesso.
Wieteke Heldens (NL/USA) will show new work made during her two months residency at Fusion Art Gallery in Torino. On view will be among other things “Content drawings” on used paper bags from Torino, “The Italian Legend” on canvas and “The day that Donald Trump is elected the 45th president of the United States” with egg tempera.
Never apologize and never explain is a motto from Carl Andre that Hanne Darboven often used.
Wieteke Heldens was born in Ottersum, The Netherlands in 1982. Heldens works in the medium of painting. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague in 2007. She had her first solo-show at Flux Factory in 2011 and exhibited in the The Hague Gemeente museum, Royal Palace in Amsterdam and internationally in Switzerland, France, Germany, Denmark and the US. In 2013 Heldens won the Royal prize for Painting in the Netherlands. Heldens is currently represented by gallery Borzo in Amsterdam and is an active member of Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives in The Hague and Flux Factory in NYC. She lives and works in New York and in The Hague.
“I make paintings, painthings and paintthings. I have often tried to make my last painthing, but I always fail. I am consistently inconsistent. I obsessively need the canvas to understand life. In my work I use everything around me but I put these personal anecdotes into abstract concepts. I wish I was like Hannah Darboven or On Kawara, but I'm not. There is often a conflict in my work that needs to be solved and that is why I cannot stop painting.
On the first view I make abstract, conceptual work. But at the same time every work is obsessive and compulsive. Rules and mathematical formulas are the starting point, but the impossibility to turn off feelings, thoughts and emotions, prevents that the paintings are too general and distant. With a sense of perspective I use a conceptual process.
A recurring theme in my work is to stop and start again. I strive for an almost healing contemplation. This leads to a plastic translation where the sense of order and system is played by chance and sensibility.”
Wieteke Heldens (1982, Ottersum, The Netherlands)
[email protected]
Vive e lavora tra New York e L’Aia.
In collaborazione con Fusion Project, Edizioni Inaudite, COLLA/To contemporary art network e
NEsxT / Independent Art Network