Yvonne Rainer – The Concept of Dust

La Fondazione Antonio Ratti presenta l’anteprima europea della performance di Yvonne Rainer The Concept of Dust, or How do you look when there’s nothing left to move?
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La Fondazione Antonio Ratti presenta l’anteprima europea della performance di Yvonne Rainer The Concept of Dust, or How do you look when there's nothing left to move?, martedì 14 luglio alle ore 20 al Teatro Sociale di Como.
La performance, commissionata dal Getty e da Performa e recentemente messa in scena al MoMA di New York, verrà eseguita a Como all’interno del programma del XXI CSAV - Artists Research Laboratory.
The Concept of Dust, or How do you look when there's nothing left to move? è la più recente coreografia creata da Yvonne Rainer. La performance la vede sul palco insieme a cinque ballerini - conosciuti con il nome di Raindears - nell'esecuzione di un work-in-progress che affronta temi come l'invecchiamento e la mortalità.
In The Concept of Dust, Rainer intreccia la danza con testi provenienti da numerose fonti, che parlano di antiche dinastie Medio Orientali e di reperti paleontologici, e con citazioni letterarie.
Letti a intermittenza da Rainer e dai ballerini per tutti i 45 minuti della performance, i testi procedono parallelamente alla musica e ai movimenti di danza, interrompendo talvolta i gesti degli interpreti. Ugualmente i movimenti dei ballerini non seguono una sequenza predefinita, sono indeterminati e scelti dagli esecutori stessi, talvolta scaturendo in coreografie di gruppo e talvolta nel "non fare nulla" – i ballerini si siedono su una sedia, sostano in piedi l’uno affianco all’altro o semplicemente si osservano reciprocamente.
Coreografia: Yvonne Rainer
Performer: Pat Catterson, Patricia Hoffbauer, Emmanuèle Phuon, Yvonne Rainer, Keith Sabado, David Thomson
Luci: Les Dickert
Yvonne Rainer è rappresentati da Performa, New York
www.performa-arts.org 14th of July at 8pm (free entrance - FCFS)
Teatro Sociale - Piazza Verdi, Como
Fondazione Antonio Ratti presents the European premiere of Yvonne Rainer's The Concept of Dust, or How do you look when there's nothing left to move?, that will take place on Tuesday 14th of July at 8pm at Teatro Sociale.
The performance, an ongoing piece originally commissioned by the Getty and Performa, will be shown in Como as part of the programme of the XXI CSAV - Artists Research Laboratory and was recently performed at MoMA, New York.
The Concept of Dust, or How do you look when there's nothing left to move? is the latest choreography made by Rainer. It sees her on stage along with five dancers – known as the Raindears – performing a work-in-progress piece where Rainer addresses strong themes such as aging and mortality.
In The Concept of Dust, Rainer interweaves dance and texts assembled from many different sources, dealing with ancient Middle East dynasties, paleontological findings, and literary quotations. Intermittently read by Rainer and the dancers throughout the 45-minutes piece, the texts run parallel to music and dance movements, interrupting the performers’ actions at times. Moreover the dancers’ movements are indeterminate, decided by the performers themselves without following a predefined sequence, turning up occasionally in group configurations and sometimes in “doing nothing” – sitting on a chair, standing to one side or watching each other.
Choreography: Yvonne Rainer
Performers: Pat Catterson, Patricia Hoffbauer, Emmanuèle Phuon, Yvonne Rainer, Keith Sabado, David Thomson
Lighting: Les Dickert
Yvonne Rainer is managed by Performa, New York.